Tuesday 4 March 2014

Something Seedy...

Peggy has completely gotten away with herself. The little packets of seeds in the shop were far too tempting to resist. I warned. I scolded. I did my best to distract her. But there they were, on the counter before I could get her out of there. Little packets holding treasure. Seeds carrying sunshine and blue skies and dirty hands and happy harvest. Of course she planted them far too early for the Manitoban climate. Every book and expert will tell you. But into fresh potting compost they went on 5th February while there was another famous blizzard belting it out there. I sighed as I went to make a cup of tea, and smiled as I knew those seeds would probably never amount to much. But they held hope, hope that this endless winter would eventually end and green, busy times were up ahead.
First Seedlings (planted 5th Feb) - Onions & Leeks

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